Mr. Boonstra

This Mr. Boonstra bio starts with a confession: it was written by A.I., a technology Mr. Boonstra really dislikes. Yet, the outcome was so flattering that he could not resist using it. He left out the bits about The Academy Award for best supporting actor and the Silver Medal in The Tokyo Olympics for the long jump.
Mr. Boonstra is an Amsterdam based art director, designer, and film director, working across various fields including fashion, art and commerce. His career includes stints at prestigious agencies like KesselsKramer and Wieden+Kennedy Portland.
He beliefs advertising is an art form.
Mr. Boonstra’s work is characterized by well-rounded stories infused with wit, quirky illustrations, and designs. His films have been showcased at notable venues such as The Hammer in Los Angeles, TED talks in Vancouver, and on Dutch public television. He is also a frequent contributor to publications like It’s Nice That and Nowness.
Currently, Mr. Boonstra runs his own creative studio in Amsterdam, offering services such as creative direction, art direction, film directing, design, and animation. His client list includes major brands like Hermès, Ace & Tate, Fatboy, and Nike. He playfully draws comparisons between himself and basketball legend Michael Jordan, noting their shared height and shoe size.